
Halving cycle: 2,100,000 blocks.

The genesis block generates 50 BTC to Satoshi Nakamoto's address, but this amount is unspendable. In the first block after the genesis block, a total mining output of 105 million will be pre-allocated to a spendable address.

Starting from the second block, each block will generate 25 FB, with the decimal precision remaining at 8 decimal places.

The total mining supply is calculated as 2 * 25 * 2,100,000 = 105 million FB.

Consensus mechanism

Fractal’s consensus mechanism is Proof-of-Work — consistent with Bitcoin. Miners can use existing ASICs and other hardware devices to mine blocks. (standard SHA256d)

Cadence Mining

Fractal uses an innovative mining method called Cadence Mining to balance the benefits of merged mining and permissionless mining. Providing a balance of security and inclusivity. This hybrid model enables miners to bolster the network's security while also engaging in the economic benefits offered by Fractal.

  • The block interval for mining is 30 seconds. For every three mined blocks, two blocks will be permissionlessly-mined, while one block will be merged-mined.

  • This preserves the permissionless, freely-available mining opportunities for the Fractal community, while tapping into the impressive security of the Bitcoin main chain through merged mining at the same time.

Fractal Bitcoin supports merged mining with Bitcoin, allowing miners to mine Fractal Bitcoin blocks simultaneously while mining the Bitcoin mainnet. The integration mechanism is identical to Namecoin’s.

Initial Difficulty & Hashrate Requirements

  • Permissionless Mining:

    • nbits: 0x1900cfff

    • Difficulty: ≈5G

    • Hashrate: ≈500 PH/s

  • Merged Mining:

    • nbits: 0x180cffff

    • Difficulty: ≈400G

    • Hashrate: ≈20 EH/s (Equivalent to 3.2% of BTC's).

Last updated